Hi, I’m Midé…
a seasoned interactive media professional with extensive knowledge of integrating UX/UI design and development with usability and accessibility standards while fulfilling creative and business requirements.
My experience spans several industries including Finance, Energy, Telecom, Advertising and Manufacturing. I have worked with brands such as General Motors, Bank of Montreal, Citi Bank, Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Bell Satellite TV and Caterpillar.
Recently, I completed the 12 week Mastering Design Thinking course offered by MIT Sloan School of Management. It was a hands on and interactive program with several individual and team assignments. The major take-aways include a deeper understanding of the value of early, rapid prototyping in the design process and how to benchmark customer needs and product specifications.
Portfour.com is where I share ideas about using state–of–the–art technology to create functional, accessible and user–friendly interactive design. The main focus is front end or user interface design & development. One of the core ideas behind portfour.com is to make digital interaction much more intuitive and exciting for end users and developers as well.

Comcast Workflow Automation Tools
Synthesized business requirements and user needs to create cost saving workflow tools for several corporate divisions and work groups. Designed the information architecture, facilitated user research and developed interactive prototypes on multiple projects.

Xfinity on Campus — Site Redesign
Xfinity on Campus provides high speed internet access to college students around the US.
This project involved updating the existing website and creating a mobile version for smart phones.

Ethnographic Research for a Global Pandemic
The lack of reliable information pertaining to the COVID 19 pandemic has led to numerous unnecessary deaths and suffering. There have been many conflicting statements even from people who are apparently qualified to know better. This is especially true in countries with a weak healthcare infrastructure.